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Help: Selling

There are several visual effects and listing options available. These are optional and may require a fee.

  1. HomePage Featured - These listings will be randomly selected to be displayed on our main page.
  2. Category Featured - The listing will be featured above other items in category listings.
  3. Gallery Listing - The listing will be featured in the gallery section.
  4. Highlight Listing - The listing with have a highlighed background to attract attention.
  5. Bold Listing - The listing title will be displayed with a bold font.
  6. Hit counter - A free service to help track how many views your listing has received.
  7. Auto Relist - Automatically relist an unsold item (a multiple item listing that has had at least one sale will not be auto relisted).
To list items for sale or trade, you must first enter the item information.

The folowing fields are required:

  • Category - This is the category and/or sub-category where your listing will be located.
  • Title - The title of your listing.
  • QuantityThe quantity of goods to be sold or traded.
  • Item Location - The location the items will be shipped from.
  • Detailed Description - Any information about the item(s) for sale or trade.
  • Selling Method - Traditional Auction, Dutch Auction, Fixed Price Listing, Classified Ad, Trade Listing
  • Number of Days to Run - The listing duration. If this option is not present, the Seller must enter the Start and/or End dates for the listing. (See below)
  • Starting Price - The lowest acceptable price for your listing (unless you specify a Reserve), or the cost of goods for a Fixed Price listing.

Depending on the site configuration, the following fields may also be required:

  • Preferred Currency - For international sales, the price of your item will be displayed in this currency.
  • Payment Required Up-Front - Payment in full is required before your item will be listed, this includes the accrued balance of final value fees, auto-relist fees, and the current item posting fee.
  • End Date - This option becomes available if the Seller is allowed to specify the exact start and end date of the listing.

The following fields are optional:

  • Hit Counter Style
  • Home Page Featured
  • Category Featured
  • Gallery Listing
  • Highlight Listing
  • Bold Listing
  • PayPal Email - Supply your PayPal email address and a link will be created for the winning bidder(s) to make a payment.
  • Shipping Cost - The additional charge for shipping and handling the item(s).
  • Who Will Pay Shipping? - Indicate if the Buyer or Seller will pay for the cost of shipping the item(s).
  • Auto Relist - Allows you the option of having your items automatically relist if they go unsold (a multiple item listing that has had at least one sale will not be auto relisted).
  • Upload Base Image - This is the main image for your listing. This image is used if the "Gallery Listing" feature is selected.

Depending on the site configuration, the following fields may also be optional:

  • Start Date - The Seller is allowed to specify the exact start date of the listing.
  • Free Extra Images - Additional images that can be added to the listing without extra fees.
  • Premium Extra Images - Additional images that can be added to the listing for a fee.

The following options are optional and only available for Traditional Auctions:

  • Buy It Now
  • Reserve Price

Some item categories may require additional information. For example, a category called "Textbooks" may require the seller to include the ISBN or edition.

Adding Images - You can add images when you list an item. You can also edit a listing to include additional images.

Images must be in .jpg or .gif format.

  • .jpg - File format that reduces file size without reducing image quality.
  • .gif - Common file format used specifically for web graphics.

To upload an image (from the 'Sell an Item' form):

  1. Click "Browse"
  2. Locate the image file on your computer
  3. Select the file name
  4. Click "Open"

To change an image (from the 'Sell an Item' form):

  1. Check the box marked "Delete"
  2. Click "Browse"
  3. Locate the image file on your computer
  4. Select the file name
  5. Click "Open"
The images that you choose for your listing can be interchanged. If you do not like the original image order, you can rearrange them by changing their sequence number.

Edit a Listing - Complete listing information can be edited IF:
  • Auction and Dutch Auction - The item has recieved 0 (zero) bids
  • Fixed Price Listing - 0 (zero) items have been sold
  • The listing is a Classified Ad

If a listing has received bids or one of multiple items have sold, the following changes can be made:

  • The Seller can append a note to the item description
  • Listing Options can be added

To Edit a listing:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Access your My Account/My Auctions menu
  3. Select the "Selling" tab
  4. Select [edit item]
  5. Make changes to available fields
  6. Click the button "Save Changes"


Cancel a Listing - There are two ways to cancel an active listing. You can:

  • End the listing early OR
  • Delete the listing

To End a listing early (immediately):

  1. login to your account
  2. Access your My Account/My Auctions menu
  3. Select the "Selling" tab
  4. Select [edit item]
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Item page
  6. Type the word "End" into the appropriate text field
  7. Click the button "End Early"

To Delete a listing (immediately):

  1. login to your account
  2. Access your My Account/My Auctions menu
  3. Select the "Selling" tab
  4. Select [edit item]
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Item page
  6. Type the word "Delete" into the appropriate text field
  7. Click the button "Delete Item"

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